Yesterday was our first home-study visit. It was great to see Sue again and fill her in on all the boys' activities. I wasn't stressed out about the home-study at all, although David was a little tense. He doesn't like the feeling of being put under a microscope. The only preparation I did for the home-study visit was to quickly mop the kitchen floor. The last time Sue came for our post-placement visit I was a nervous wreck, and cleaned the entire house, top to bottom. After all my stress and fuss, Sue didn't even step out of the kitchen! This time I was much more relaxed. Actually, it was nice to openly talk about our pending adoption with Sue. We haven't told very many people that we are adopting again, simply because we don't want to hear their criticism. We heard enough of it the first time we adopted, and we already know people don't understand our motivation to adopt. People often wonder why we'd want a large family; they can't fathom taking care of 4 boys, let alone 5!! After dinner last night, we all sat and watched the video of Fu, KangChao (Logan) again. Did I mention that we already refer to him by his future American name? It took us months and months to name John, and this time it was so easy. David has always liked the name Logan, and Ben likes it too.