Sunday, November 6, 2011


Friday evening (Nov. 4) we received a call from Elizabeth Rose that we finally received our Letter of Confirmation for the adoptions! Whoo hoo! Of course, the first question I asked, IF there is ANY chance we could expedite everything and travel in December still. No, that just won't happen, I was told. With that knowledge, I can actually pick out travel dates for April. We think we'll shoot for April 5-April 21st. At least it will be warmer in Daqing then, and blazing hot in Guangzhou. It's still five months away, but I'm feeling like the adoptions are now more real. We just pray the boys will all adjust and be happy with us. Tomorrow I'm going to compose letters and care packages to send. Five months is a longgg time to wait for a little guy. Maybe I should hold off on mailing the letters and photographs until closer to travel?