Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Falling into Place!

Several things have fallen into place this week!! I just hope they stay in place! The first thing that happened is that we found a great Chinese language immersion program for Austin to attend this summer.  Austin wants to go to China again, just not on our adoption trip because he can't miss two weeks of school. Austin spent 4 weeks in China (with our former exchange-student's family) when he was 13 years old, but he didn't learn enough of the language then because Xiao spoke to him in English all the time. Hopefully, this time Austin will be at least conversational in Mandarin when he returns home.I am certain that this experience will be life-changing for him. The other thing that happened is that I was finally able to solidify plans for Connor while we are gone. We have found a young woman who will stay at the house to watch Connor and the dogs. Hooray! She was recommended by the pastoral associate of our church, and we can rest easy now. Now, all we need to do is a million other things before our trip! Luckily, this type A mom can be like a hurricane if necessary. Only two more months now, and our family will grow to 8!! Yipee!

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