Friday, June 22, 2012

2 months!

We've been home with our sons for exactly 2 months today. Our pediatrician wanted to see the little guys (again) to see how they are progressing, and our appointment was this morning. We found out that in 8 weeks Sam grew 1/4" and gained 3 1/2 lbs!!  Leo grew 1/2" and gained 1 1/2 lbs!! Now, for me, gaining 3 pounds is possible in a weekend, but for these guys that is a HUGE gain in only two months. They weigh less than 40lbs each, so proportionately that is a lot of weight gain! We talked at length about some of Leo's behaviors, and basically we decided to just give him more time to heal. The Dr. is a big proponent of ADHD medications, and he gave us the speech about that particular disorder. Overall, David and I think we need to find another pediatrician that is more familiar with adoption/trauma/abandonment/abuse issues, and isn't so quick to decide ADHD is the problem. Institutionalization is the problem. Adopted children typically lose 3-4 months developmentally for every year they have to live in an orphanage. The boys will continue to make gains as they feel safe enough to sleep, as they eat healthy meals, and just as they heal. No medications can undue years of neglect and abuse. We can only love them as they are right now, and understand their trauma. We are not even certain we will send Leo to school in the fall. It might prove to be too stressful for him. At this point, we are rejoicing the daily progress and harnessing our patience.


  1. Great to hear the update - everyone progressing - each to the limits of their abilities!! I've heard those same statistics thru our adoptions - and in our experience developmental progress started slow - but after a few months it took off WAY faster than the experts said it would - and all three of our's are now "on target" for where they should be!

    great stuff - great joy - aus and co.

  2. I can't remember if it's Boris Gindis or Karyn Purvis (Empowered to Connect) that talks about how adoption related issues look like ADHD but ARE NOT. You might check it out. Our trauma expert also cautions against medication because it causes growth to be retarded at a time when the child needs to grow and be nourished the most. Listen to your heart. Good to see the boys home! :-)
